IHTI's 40-Year Longitudinal Database of Medical Biomarkers
Informed Consents. All tests listed below were administered in conjunction with subjects completing an Informed Consent Form granting IHTI permission to use their redacted data for analyses.
Demographics. All of the tests listed below have corresponding measurements of age, gender, ethnicity, height, body mass index (BMI) and email, telephone and residence addresses.
Body Composition.
Underwater Testing. 1984-1995 accumulated ~7,000 underwater body composition (excluding bone density) tests containing subject's name, test date, date of birth, height, scale weight, % body fat, fat mass and fat-free mass using displacement technology.
DEXA Testing. Approximately 30,000 total body composition measurements were derived using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) technology, ~ 25,000 have be audited and entered into the database. Each of these tests provide the following measurements.
Total Body: Scale Weight, Height, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Bone Mineral Content (BMC), % Body fat, Fat Mass, & Fat-Free mass (FFM) (5 Total Body measurements for each DEXA test-150,000 total measurements.).
Regional Measurements: BMD, BMC, % Fat, and FFM of Head, Arms, Legs, Trunk, Ribs, Pelvis, Spine, Dorsal, and Lumbar (40 regional measurements for each DEXA test-1,200,000 regional measurements).
Blood Chemistries. Approximately 23,000 of the 45 blood chemistry measurements shown below have been completed although 7,000 reports have yet to be entered and audited. All tests were completed after a 10-12-hour fast, generally at one of two national independent testing labs (Quest Diagnostics or Lab Corps). Small numbers of other tests (insulin, A1C, Ferritin, etc. are also included in the database.

Self-Reported Quality of Life. Many of these subjects completing DEXA or blood chemistry tests also completed either a 50- or 84-item Quality of Life Inventory that contained Eating Control and Depression sub-scales. In addition to an overall quality of life score, eating control and depression sub-scales are contained in the Inventory.
Self-reported Pedometer-Monitored Physical Activity Levels. During many of the clinical trials, study participants wore pedometers during their waking hours and tracked their daily step totals throughout the typical 60- or 90-day studies in which they participated.
Miscellaneous Measures. In addition to these measurements, the database contains a small number of blood pressures, ankle-brachial blood pressure, hip/waist ratios, and arterial elasticity index.
Potential for Longitudinal Analyses. In addition to the longitudinal data derived from participants who completed multiple tests, in many cases over 10 years, we obtained contact information from the subjects and often personally reviewed the test results with the subjects establishing personal relationships with many of the study participants. These relationships offer the potential for repeated post-study contacts with many of these study participants for completion of follow-up questionnaires and non-invasive sampling for genetic and other testing. |